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Using the PlanetScale serverless driver with Prisma

How to use the PlanetScale serverless driver with Prisma.


This document outlines how you can use the PlanetScale serverless driver along with Prisma in your application.

Set up

To get started:

  1. Install the Prisma driver adapter for PlanetScale (@prisma/adapter-planetscale), PlanetScale serverless driver (@planetscale/database), and undici packages:
npm install @prisma/adapter-planetscale @planetscale/database undici

When using an older version of Node.js, you can provide a custom fetch function implementation. We recommend the undici package on which Node's built-in fetch is based. Node.js version 18 includes a built-in global fetch function.

  1. Enable the driverAdapters Preview feature flag:
// schema.prisma
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["driverAdapters"]
datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
relationMode = "prisma"

Ensure you update the host value in your connection string to You can learn more about this here.

  1. Generate Prisma Client:
npx prisma generate
  1. Update your Prisma Client instance to use the PlanetScale serverless driver:
import { Client } from '@planetscale/database'
import { PrismaPlanetScale } from '@prisma/adapter-planetscale'
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import { fetch as undiciFetch } from 'undici'
const connectionString = `${process.env.DATABASE_URL}`
const client = new Client({ url: connectionString, fetch: undiciFetch })
const adapter = new PrismaPlanetScale(client)
const prisma = new PrismaClient({ adapter })
async function main() {
const posts = await

You can then use Prisma Client as you usually would with auto-completion and full type-safety.

Need help?

Get help from the PlanetScale support team, or join our GitHub discussion board to see how others are using PlanetScale.

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